RESFEN versions

It calculates heating and cooling energy use and associated costs
Mar 22, 2013
May 24, 2015
Jun 3, 2008

What's new

v6.0 [May 24, 2015]
RESFEN 6.0.16
Program Changes
Updates from RESFEN 5.0
The primary change between RESFEN 5 and RESFEN 6 is that some of the underlying modeling assumptions were changed to be consistent with the Energy Star 2008 analysis done by LBNL. The new modeling assumptions are documented in the RESFEN 6 User Manual in Chapter 6. The Energy Star 2008 Modeling assumptions compared to the RESFEN 5 assumptions are documented on this website:
Alaska Locations
Three of the entries for Alaska in the Location Library have been deleted (Barrow, Bettles, and Kotzebue) due to bad data in the weather files. The ID numbering of the remaining Locations was not changed, so there are ID "gaps" for those deleted locations.
Fixed Bugs
SI Units
The option of using SI units for input and results was not working properly. This has been fixed.
Even when the skylight area was set to zero, in previous versions there would be a contribution to heating from skylights. This has been fixed.
Results by Orientation
Calculating results by orientation (using the double lightning bolt toolbar icon) was not working properly. This has been fixed.
Location Library
Changing the Climate Zone using the pulldown list feature did not "stick" in previous versions. This field is currently only informative and does not control any options in the program, but when it is set, the program now saves that value.
Known Bugs
User Defined Windows
Selecting "User Defined" in the Window Type pull down list will create a simulation error when you run the scenario. However, selecting a choice from the Window Library (in that same pull down list) will allow the simulation to run.
Electric Rate Library and Gas Rate Library
These libraries have not been updated with current rates. You are free to change them yourself, however.
R-28 Wall Insulation Will Cause Error
Choosing the R-28 Wall Insulation choice when creating a new package will cause a simulation error. This will be fixed in the next version.
Opening RESFEN 5 Databases
For this first release, the program will not open RESFEN 5 databases. This will be fixed in a future version.

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